Student Academic Integrity

Student Academic Integrity

Effective: November 22, 2011

Version History: Approved by EPC October 12, 2011; Approved by Campus Assembly November 22, 2011; Revised and approved by Teaching & Learning Committee 3-11-15; approved by EVCAA 4-30-15; Revised and approved by EVCAA 12-8-18; Revised and approved by EVCAA 12-15-2021; Instructor Obligations section, June 24, 2024: removed reference to Teaching & Learning: Instructor and Student Responsibilities policy, which was revised to directly reference the Student Academic Integrity policy  

Policy Owner: Academic Affairs 


Scholastic dishonesty tarnishes UMD’s reputation, discredits accomplishments, and diminishes the capabilities of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This commitment is only possible in an environment of trust, honesty, fairness, respect, and responsibility. As a result, scholastic dishonesty is a serious offense.  The University expects all faculty, staff, and students to maintain the highest levels of academic integrity.

Scope and Purpose

This policy addresses scholastic dishonesty by students.  The Board of Regents Student Conduct Code provides definitions of ‘Student,’ ‘Scholastic Dishonesty’ and ‘Plagiarism.’  The purpose of this policy is threefold:

  1. To provide specific examples of conduct that violates University policy
  2. To establish reporting protocols for instructors and others, and
  3. To generally describe University response to concerns of scholastic dishonesty as well as possible outcomes.

Prohibited Content

All forms of scholastic dishonesty are prohibited, including (but not limited to):

a. submitting false records of academic achievement;

b. submitting sentences or ideas as your own without proper acknowledgment or citation (plagiarizing);

c. presenting as your own a plot, succession of ideas, or list/outline of another without proper acknowledgment;

d. purchasing or otherwise presenting work as your own when it was done by another person;

e. taking, acquiring, using, or circulating course materials without faculty permission, this includes but is not limited to the unauthorized use of or posting to online learning support platforms;

f. acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement;

g. facilitating scholastic dishonesty by knowingly assisting another student to violate the Student Conduct Code, such as providing course work for another student to turn in as their own effort or taking an exam for another student;

h. attending a class, completing an assignment, or taking a quiz/test in the name of another student;

i. submitting the same paper or work (or generally similar papers or work) to meet the requirements of more than one course without the approval and consent of faculty;

j. depriving another student of necessary study or research materials or in any way impeding another student’s work and pursuit of education;

k. submitting falsified data, such as bibliographic resources and experimental data or altering graded academic work/quizzes/tests and resubmitting them to get a higher grade;

l. use of electronic devices for unauthorized assistance in academic work, quizzes, or tests;

m. unauthorized distribution or selling of video, audio, or transcript-like notes of lecture or course materials as described in the Appropriate Student Use of Class Notes and Course Materials policy.

Reporting and other obligations for prohibited conduct

Reporting incidents of scholastic dishonesty is essential so that:

a. Students have an opportunity to be educated on the importance of integrity within the UMD community and beyond;

b. Students are provided with the opportunity to learn, reflect, and modify their behavior in a timely fashion;

c. Incidents of scholastic dishonesty are handled fairly and consistently across colleges and departments and with appropriate consideration for prior misconduct.

Instructor Obligations

a. When an instructor suspects a student engaged in scholastic dishonesty within a course currently in session, the instructor has the following responsibilities:

  1. The instructor must contact the student within ten (10) business days of becoming aware of the concern; 
  2. The instructor must discuss the concern with the student and invite them to share their perspective;
  3. If the instructor believes scholastic dishonesty occurred, the instructor files a report that provides all relevant details with OSCCR;   
  4. The instructor grades the student’s work in light of the reported concern; 
  5. OSCCR will invite the instructor to participate in student conduct proceedings as needed, which may include requests for a) additional information and/or b) participation in formal hearings and appeals.

b. When an instructor learns of any other scholastic dishonesty committed by a current student, the instructor may file a report with the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution.

Teaching Assistant and Exam Proctor Obligations

Teaching assistants and exam proctors must report observations of scholastic dishonesty to their supervising instructors.

Procedure for Handling Violations

Scholastic dishonesty violates the Board of Regents policy: Student Conduct Code. Scholastic Dishonesty will be adjudicated by The Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) in a fair and timely manner as per University of Minnesota Administrative policy Resolving Alleged Student Conduct Code Violations and the OSCCR Scholastic Dishonesty Procedures. Of significant note, a student is entitled to have up to two advisors present for meetings and hearings and relevant faculty may choose to be accompanied by an advisor of their choosing from within their academic department at a formal hearing.  

Charges and Sanctions

Students reported to OSCCR may be charged with ‘Scholastic Dishonesty’ as well as any other relevant charges such as theft and falsification.  OSCCR will utilize a charge of ‘Persistent Violations’ for students who have a prior record of scholastic dishonesty.  If found responsible for a violation, students may incur Academic Sanctions, status sanctions (e.g., Warning, Probation, Suspension, Expulsion), Required Compliance, Withholding of Diploma or Degree, or Revocation of Admission or Degree for findings of responsibility.  In general, the student conduct process has both developmental and educational intents. 

Privacy and Records

Student conduct records are stored and distributed solely by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.  A student’s official transcript does not include any information about student conduct records.   

All student conduct records maintained by the University of Minnesota Duluth are governed by Board of Regents policy:  Student Education Records.

Students are encouraged to inquire directly with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution about the content of their student conduct records.