Program Proposal Processes

New Programs and Changes to Existing Programs

Please keep in mind that program changes (including additions and discontinuations) are effective for a future catalog year, so students currently enrolled when program changes are made will continue to use their catalog year's program. Students must consult with the college's Academic Advising office to inquire about changing the catalog year for their declared programs. 

New Programs

New programs require completion of the New Program Proposal Form, which includes signatures. Please submit both an electronic Word file and paper copy with signatures to Academic Affairs. The college Administrative Director must compile Section 5. If the program being proposed involves online delivery of program and/or courses, the information must be noted clearly and questions related to online program criteria must be addressed in the proposal. Proposals are entered into the University System's curriculum management system by Academic Affairs prior to being forwarded to and approved by the University of Minnesota Executive Vice President and Provost and the Board of Regents. After Board of Regents approval, programs are programmed into APAS by the Office of the Registrar, and they can be marketed. Resource: UMD New Program Proposal Forms Help Guide

UMD New Program Proposal Form (PDF Preview)

Program Changes

Changes in programs are submitted to Academic Affairs with department and college approvals; changes and approvals can be sent electronically. To clearly show catalog deletions and additions, copy the current program text from the online catalog, paste the copy to a Word document, and use track changes to make proposed revisions; sample plan updates are also required for undergraduate programs (for additional details and guidance, please refer to the Program Change Procedures). All program change requests must include a note confirming the department has notified and discussed the changes with any other departments directly affected by the proposed changes; documentation is added to the curriculum management system. Changes to existing programs are only made with a fall effective date. Please submit ALL changes together on ONE program change document.

Program changes requiring Board of Regents approval and/or Executive Vice President and Provost approval also require the following form with the proposed, track-changed document and any other department confirmations so that these program changes can be prioritized to meet System deadlines.

Program Change Form for BOR and Provost Approvals:
Program Change Form (PDF Preview)

Proposed changes requiring Board of Regents and Executive Vice President and Provost review and approval:

  • Adding a new degree, a new minor, a new certificate, or a sub-plan to any program

  • Adding a new integrated degree program (e.g., 4+1 Bachelor to Master’s program)

  • Substantively changing a degree or minor, such as changing a program or sub-plan name, changing a degree designation (e.g. B.S. to B.A., M.S. to M.A.), changing the academic home of a program, merging two or more degrees or minors

  • Offering distance delivery of all or substantially all coursework for an existing program, adding or changing a program delivery modality

  • Adding or changing academic program related partnerships/collaborations with an external entity

  • Discontinuing a degree, minor, certificate, or sub-plan within any program (complete the form under "Discontinuing a Program" below)

Proposed changes requiring Executive Vice President and Provost review and approval:

  • Changes to specialized accreditation agency

  • Admission requirements above a 2.0 GPA

  • For undergraduate programs: overall credit requirements above 120 credits 

Discontinuing a Program

Discontinuing a program requires completion of the Discontinue Program Proposal form, including the dean's signature. Please submit both an electronic and paper copy to Academic Affairs. 

Discontinue Program Proposal (PDF Preview)

VCAA Program Proposal Deadlines

The following deadline dates are the dates proposals and changes are due to Academic Affairs ([email protected]). Proposal requests received after the deadline date will be reviewed for the following effective date as appropriate. Please note: changes to programs may only have a fall effective date. 

Please check with your department and college for internal deadline dates to ensure your collegiate approval process is completed in time to meet the Academic Affairs deadlines. 

EffectiveAcademic Affairs Deadline Date
Fall 2025November 1, 2024 
Fall 2026April 1, 2025 for programs to be added or removed from the F26 admissions application
November 1, 2025 for all other program changes