Course Proposal and Change Processes

Faculty develop and modify curriculum with shared governance consultation and administrative oversight.

The Office of Academic Affairs enters the information for new courses and course changes in the University's curriculum management systems.

Each curriculum update is viewable in the online catalog the effective term of the change. The following table shows the effective catalog year with the corresponding deadline dates in which Deans/designees submit course materials to Academic Affairs. These deadlines are necessary to ensure course information is processed in a timely manner for departments submitting program changes, for class scheduling, and for student course planning and registration.

Academic Affairs Deadlines during an Academic YearCourse Curriculum Changes Effective Catalog Year
October 1* Course changes and new course proposals for the upcoming spring and summer terms (note: these can be proposed for Liberal Education for the next academic year, not for the same academic year) 
* Topics courses for the upcoming spring and summer terms 
Same academic year's catalog 
November 1* Course changes and new course proposals for the following academic year (fall required; spring and summer terms strongly recommended; required for related program changes) 
* Topics courses for the following fall term
Next year's catalog
February 1* Liberal Education course proposal forms for the next academic year (includes fall, spring, and summer)  
* New course proposals for new courses being proposed for Liberal Education for the spring or summer of the next academic year (need the course in the catalog to add Lib Ed attribute(s))  
Next year's catalog
April 1* New course proposals for any new programs or changes needing System approval prior to the start of the admissions cycle starting in the current summer (program proposal due at the same time)
* Course credit changes (increases to course credits also require program change form(s))
Catalog after next year

Note: Course changes that affect programs must be processed prior to processing program changes (e.g., new courses, credit changes). 

Changing an Existing Course

  • Academic departments may request changes to existing courses via email/memo through the standard curriculum review and approval process with the Academic Affairs deadlines shown above. 
  • Requests for adding an online course delivery method (partially, primarily, or completely online) to an existing course requires the Online Addendum.
  • Requests for a course to be designated as Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) requires the Community-Engaged Learning Addendum. (PDF preview)

Proposing a Topic for an Existing Special Topics Course

  • An academic department completes the UMD Topics Course Proposal Form to propose a special topics class for an existing xx95 course. If the topics class will be delivered in an online or partially online format, then the Online Addendum is also required. 
    Resource: UMD Course Proposal Forms Help Guide

UMD Special Topics Course Proposal Form (PDF preview)

  • The completed form with applicable attachments are routed through the department and collegiate curriculum review procedures prior to the Office of Academic Affairs for EVCAA final review and approval.
  • Completed course forms and attachments may be sent to Academic Affairs electronically. 

Proposing a New Course

  • An academic department completes the UMD New Course Proposal Form to propose a new course. Use the Dual-Listed Course Proposal Form when proposing a new dual-listed course or when adding a new course to an existing course to create a dual-listed course.
    Resource: UMD Course Proposal Forms Help Guide

UMD Course Proposal Form (PDF Preview)

UMD Dual-listed Course Proposal Form (PDF Preview)

  • The completed form with applicable attachments are routed through the department and collegiate curriculum review procedures prior to the Office of Academic Affairs for EVCAA/designee final review and approval. 

UMD Online Addendum (PDF Preview)

UMD Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Addendum (PDF Preview)
 (Community-Engaged Learning Policy)

UMD Graduate School Addendum (PDF Preview)

  • Completed course forms and attachments should be sent to Academic Affairs electronically: [email protected]

Reactivating an Inactive Course

Academic departments seeking to reactive a course that is inactive may do so. 

  • For a course inactive for 4 years or less: Submit a memo to the Office of Academic Affairs ([email protected]) with the department and college approvals to reactive the course. Required: course learning outcomes. If the department is seeking additional changes, the new course proposal form is necessary.
  • For a course inactive for 5 years or more: Complete the new course proposal, noting the course is currently inactive, and proceed through the college-campus curriculum process. 

Seeking Liberal Education Course Approval

Details and forms for Liberal Education course proposals are available on the Liberal Education Course Proposal and Review Procedures webpage.


Please contact Nancy Hansen Burley ([email protected]218-726-7103) or Lindsay Brown ([email protected], 218-726-6879).