Exams Outside of Regular Class Time
Effective: September 3, 2013
Last Updated: Approved by Campus Assembly on May 14, 2013; Revised by the Teaching and Learning Committee on 3-22-2023 and approved by the EVCAA on 6-30-2023
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
The revised policy will be implemented during 2023-24, which affects classes scheduled summer 2024, fall 2024, spring 2025, and subsequent years. The previous version of the policy remains in place for fall 2023 and spring 2024.
Policy Contact(s): Jennifer Mencl (undergraduate education), Erik Brown (graduate education), Tracey Bolen (Registrar)
- Examinations during the term (e.g., mid-terms) will normally be given only during the regular class sessions, except exams proctored by Disability Resources or make-up exams given at other times arranged to accommodate student class schedules. Exams may be held at times other than the regularly scheduled class period only if approved by the Department Head as well as the Dean or Associate Dean of the college for the respective courses when classes are scheduled. Any regularly scheduled examination to be held outside of regular class time must be listed in the published class schedule and included in the syllabus when distributed on the first day of class.
- Accommodation must be provided by the examining department(s) to any student who encounters an academic conflict, such as between an examination scheduled outside of regular class time and the regular class period of another course, or between two exams scheduled to be held simultaneously outside of regular class time. Scheduled courses take priority over exams scheduled outside of class time.
- Examinations during the term are those that are equivalent in scale, scope, length, and percent of grade. Comprehensive examinations, which require reflection, study, and application of the work of the entire semester, are strongly encouraged, but must be given during the final examination period (refer to the Final Exam policy).
- When an exam is scheduled outside of a regularly scheduled class period faculty must either cancel a normal class meeting time or use the normal class meeting time as an optional review period.
- Asynchronous/take-home examinations are specifically exempted from the policy.
- Students are to make a Class Time Conflict request and obtain instructor approval prior to registering for a class with exams outside of class time when the exams conflict with another class’s scheduled meeting times.