Satisfactory/Non-satisfactory (S/N) Grading Policy: Undergraduate Degrees
Effective: January 13, 2016
Version History: Approved by TLC 11-18-15; approved by EVCAA 11-20-15, approved by TLC 2-23-22, approved by EVCAA 7-13-2022; policy revision confirmed by UCC April 23, 2024; approved by EVCAA June 26, 2024
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
Policy Contacts: Jennifer Mencl, Undergraduate Education; Tracey Bolen, Registrar
Limits on the use of S/N grades (see Grading and Transcripts Policy for definitions of S and N).
1. The maximum number of University of Minnesota S/N credits permitted within the total of University credits in the degree is 20 credits.
1a. In order to meet Minnesota teacher licensure requirements, the Integrated Elementary and Special Education (IESE) B.A.Sc. is allowed to have 21 S/N credits.
2. No unit will allow S/N grading in major course requirements unless the S/N grading system is preset by the unit for specific courses.
3. For a degree-seeking student who completes only the minimum number of 30 credits at the University, they may register for and earn no more than 8 of the 30 credits as S/N.
4. Subject to the overall University policy contained in #1 above, colleges, campuses, and programs may specify what courses or proportion of courses taken by its students or its prospective students must be on the A/F or S/N grading system, not to exceed the maximum S/N credits specified in 1/1a.
4a. In exceptional cases only, such as may occur with a student coming to UMD specifically to obtain student teaching credit, #4 is intended to override #3. Students should always consult with their advisors before registering for S/N graded courses.