Information for Mentors
All faculty of the University of Minnesota, whatever their college, rank, or nature of appointment, may serve as a mentor for UROP students; P&A staff may also be mentors and other staff may co-mentor in conjunction with a faculty member.
Need to submit your Mentor Recommendation Form? Enter the Application Portal using your University ID and password then select Faculty Mentor Form.
PLEASE NOTE - mentors will not be able to submit their recommendations until after the student round closes
UROP offers financial awards to undergraduates for research, scholarly or creative projects undertaken in partnership with a faculty or staff member. While providing students with a unique educational experience, faculty advance their own professional work with the able assistance of a qualified undergraduate.
Blending UROP Awards with Other Funds
In cases where faculty have additional funds for research assistance through grants or other sources, they are encouraged to blend those funds with the student's UROP award.
Role of a Mentor/Sponsor
- Consulting with the student on the design of the project and reviewing a draft of the student's proposal.
- Ensuring that the student completes any necessary processes for approval for projects dealing with human subjects, animal subjects, and any hazardous or controlled substances.
- Overseeing the student's work on the project, consulting at appropriate intervals, and encouraging responsible and timely completion of the project.
- Maintaining accurate timecards for the student and monitoring all expenditures to ensure that the student's requests are appropriate (funds may only be used for expenses approved on the UROP application) and within budget. Stipend funds and expense funds may not be mixed or substituted for one another.
- Overseeing the student's completion of the project, final report and evaluation. The Twin Cities UROP Office will contact the student and request these documents one month before the scheduled completion date.
- Completing a brief faculty evaluation of UROP at the conclusion of the student's project.