Leave of Absence and Readmission for Undergraduates
Effective: January 11, 2017
Last Updated: Approved by Teaching & Learning committee 11-2-16; approved by EVCAA 11-22-16
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
Undergraduates are expected to maintain continuous registration from the time they matriculate until they graduate. Students who will not maintain continuous registration for any reason should consult with an adviser about whether to request a leave of absence because there may be financial aid or re-enrollment implications if a student leaves without a leave of absence.
- Students in good academic standing will ordinarily be granted a leave of absence upon request. The term of the leave must be specified and may not exceed two years. (Study abroad may or may not require a leave of absence.)
- All colleges will have a process for implementing this policy.
- Students who follow the college process and whose leave is approved in accordance with this policy need not apply for re-admission when they return, and students may return before the expiration of the leave. Whether the student returns early or at the expiration of the leave, colleges may condition the timing of re-admission to a program on availability of space. Re-admission may be denied based on crimes or other serious misconduct occurring during the leave that would have been grounds for suspension or expulsion had the student engaged in the conduct while enrolled (see Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code.)
- Undergraduates who fail to register for two semesters (excluding summer) and who have not been granted a leave of absence or whose leave of absence has expired will be placed on "inactive" status. Students who are placed on Inactive status must obtain permission to be re-admitted to a program. Students in good academic standing at the time they became Inactive normally should be allowed to return to Active status. Students on Inactive status must contact their college office for approval to regain Active re-enrollment status before registering for another term.
- At the time of matriculation, students should be informed about both the consequences of Inactive status and the University's policy, including whether re-enrollment after a period of Inactive status is dependent on availability of space in the program.
- A student who has left the University without a leave of absence for more than two consecutive semesters (not including summer session) may be held to new program requirements upon their return. A student returning after one year or less will be allowed to follow the program requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who should a student contact about taking a leave of absence?
- A student should contact their academic advisor and follow the process for the college in which the student is enrolled. Information is found at: Leave of Absence or Withdraw website.
- If a student is on a leave of absence and has questions about returning or extending the leave, who should the student contact?
- The student should contact the college student services office for the college in which the student was enrolled at the time of taking the leave.
- If a student is inactive (i.e., not on an approved leave of absence) and would like to inquire about resuming their studies, who should the student contact?
- The student should contact the college student services office for the college in which the student was enrolled at the time of last enrollment. The student should provide current contact information, and the student's U of M ID number, and indicate that the student is inquiring about readmission.
- Can an undergraduate student on a leave of absence from the University of Minnesota enroll in college courses at another institution during the leave?
- Yes, a student on an approved leave of absence can take courses at another institution during the leave. However, a student on leave from one University of Minnesota campus is not permitted to take classes at another University of Minnesota campus during the leave.