Degrees with Honors and Degrees with Distinction: Undergraduate
Effective: January 3, 2011
Version History: Approved by EPC January 27, 2010; amended and approved by Campus Assembly November 9, 2010; policy revision and review confirmed by UCC April 23, 2024, approved by EVCAA June 26, 2024.
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
Policy Contacts: Jennifer Mencl (Undergraduate Education), Tracey Bolen (Registrar)
Baccalaureate degree candidates who have done outstanding work may be awarded special honors upon completion of all degree requirements through graduation with Latin honors, University Honors, departmental honors, or any combination of these.
Honors notations in commencement programs are unofficial for students who graduate in the same term as the commencement ceremony or in a term following the commencement ceremony because these students do not have a final GPA when the program is prepared. For these students, honors notations in the commencement program may differ from official graduation honors notations appearing on the final transcript and on the diploma.
Degrees with Latin Honors
Latin honors are designated as summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude. Fifteen (15) percent of students graduating in a collegiate unit may be awarded Latin honors. Within each college, Latin honors shall consist of no more than 3 percent summa cum laude, 5 percent magna cum laude, and 7 percent cum laude. The collegiate unit in which the student is enrolled determines the grade point average requirements for each level of Latin honors. These honors are displayed on the transcript and on the diploma as the name of the Latin honor.
Degrees with UMD Honors
UMD offers a campus-wide University Honors program. Any degree-seeking UMD undergraduate student can apply to University Honors. Applications are evaluated based on a personal statement, GPA, and extracurricular activities. “UMD Honors” is displayed on the transcript of University Honors program students who, upon graduation, have successfully completed all of their University Honors requirements, which include a minimum UMN GPA, completion of University Honors courses, participation in non-course experiences, and completion of a capstone scholarship project (University Honors Requirements). No notation is on the diploma.
Degrees with Distinction
A degree with distinction refers to a departmental honors award or program, which is created by an academic department and approved by the dean. Departments are responsible for a) identifying the criteria for departmental honors, b) making the award/program and the criteria publicly available in the department’s degree program catalog information, c) confirming students who will meet all of the requirements of the departmental honors award/program upon graduation, and d) communicating the names of students receiving departmental honors to the Office of the Registrar; departments should be aware of due dates if they want students to be recognized in the commencement program. This honor is displayed on the transcript and on the diploma as “with Distinction.”