Course Enrollment Limits and Cancellation
Effective: April 30, 2012
Last Updated: Approved by EPC December 14, 2011; approved by Campus Assembly April 17, 2012, approved by TLC 2-23-22, approved by EVCAA 7-13-2022
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
Enrollment limits for course sections
Departments or programs may set minimum and maximum enrollment limits for any course or any class section of a course. Enrollment limits are subject to approval by the dean.
Cancellation of low-enrollment courses/class sections
- Each collegiate unit must maintain a policy regarding the cancellation of low-enrollment courses or class sections, including those offered during fall, spring, and summer terms. These policies may differ across schools/colleges and may allow variations by department. Any such policy must, at a minimum, take into account (a) the effect of cancellation of a course or courses on student academic progress and graduation, (b) the need for a course to contribute to appropriate program breadth and curriculum, (c) commitments made to instructors that a course would be offered, and (d) institutional commitments to outside organizations, and e) if the class is primarily for undergraduate or graduate students..
- In the event that a course is canceled, preferably it would be canceled before the beginning of the term, but no later than the second class meeting of the term.
- Course cancellations should be done in consultation with the instructor, department head, and dean before taking effect. If a class is a likely candidate for cancellation the instructor should inform students of that as early as possible and no later than the first class meeting.
- Once a decision has been made to cancel a course or class section, all enrolled students and the Office of the Registrar must be notified immediately via email. That notification should follow existing collegiate practices.