Excused Absences for University-Approved Activities

Procedure: Excused Absences for University-Approved Activities Other Than Intercollegiate Athletics 

Effective: Fall 2024

Version History: Policy review confirmed by UCC April 23, 2024, approved by EVCAA June 26, 2024 

Owner: Academic Affairs

Contacts: Jennifer Mencl (undergraduate), Erik Brown (graduate)

This procedure accompanies the Excused Absences and Makeup Work Policy as a means for UMD faculty and Campus Life Program (CLP) advisors to verify, document, and communicate University-approved activities as excused absences for participating students. UMD faculty and staff promote the value of student attendance at such events outside the classroom, particularly when students are actively engaged in them. 

Step 1: The activity warranting an excused absence for participating student(s) is identified by the sponsoring faculty or CLP advisor. 

Step 2: The sponsoring faculty or CLP advisor seeks necessary approval as determined by the respective college or administrative unit. 

Step 3: Once an activity is approved for the excused absence, the approver writes and signs a letter for the sponsoring faculty or CLP advisor identifying the activity, location(s), date(s), and participating student(s), class/program, or CLP. 

Step 4: The sponsoring faculty or CLP advisor shares the letter with the participating student(s).

Step 5: Participating student(s) gives the letter to their instructors as soon as possible. 

Step 6: Instructors who receive the letter are to treat the absences as excused and make arrangements for makeup work in accordance with the Excused Absences and Makeup Work Policy.

Students who are aware that their participation in CLPs and/or their academic program may provide opportunities for these types of activities are advised to notify their course instructors of the possibility for absences at the beginning of each term or as they become aware of them. No official letter is required for these notifications, however, once the student’s participation in the activity is confirmed then the procedure to give instructors a signed letter of approval is required to guarantee excused absences on identified dates.

Designated approvers: collegiate dean or designee (e.g., associate dean); Student Life director or designee.

Exclusions: Registered Student Organizations are excluded from consideration as University-approved excused absences.

  • Campus Life Programs (CLPs): UMD programs whose activities, operations, and decision-making processes are directly governed by University academic or administrative departments, and for which the University is ultimately responsible. CLPs have University privileges and obligations to act in the best interests of the University in all aspects of operations and activities. CLPs must be affiliated with UMD departments and have a designated University faculty/staff advisor. 
  • Registered Student Organizations (RSOs): A voluntary association composed primarily of students that has no direct relationship to the University, but upon completion of the established registration process is entitled to certain privileges including operating, meeting, advertising, and participating in activities on the UMD campus, as well as eligibility to receive services from Kirby Student Center. A RSO is independent and autonomous from the University and is responsible for managing their own affairs. They are not units or agents of the University. Events and activities held solely by an RSO are not considered University sponsored.


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