Maintaining Course Records
Effective: April 30, 2012
Last Updated: Approved by EPC on November 30, 2011; approved by Campus Assembly April 17, 2012
Policy Owner: Academic Affairs
- Student work which has not been returned to the student by the end of the semester should be retained by the instructor for a minimum of 30 days into the next semester (not including summer, so a request in the spring would require a unit to hold the work until 30 days into the following fall semester) in order to permit students the opportunity to retrieve or review their work, as appropriate. After the retention period, such student work must be discarded securely (following applicable University document-destruction procedures).
- Instructors must follow state and federal privacy laws in retaining and returning student work. (For example, student work may not be left in hallways or other public places where anyone may see it.)
- Academic departments must retain grade books or their equivalents for a minimum of one year or, if a grade is appealed, until the end of the appeal. Instructors leaving the University must give all grading records to the department.
- Academic units must also be aware of and follow Administrative Policy: Managing University Records Retention.